Recents in Beach


Blackheads are small bumps that appear on your skin due to clogged hair follicles. These bumps are called blackheads because the surface looks dark or black. Blackheads are a mild type of acne that usually forms on the face.
Blackheads can also be seen on the back, shoulders, neck, chest and arms.

Blackheads occur when pores become clogged. Each pore on your skin-referred to medically as pilosebaceous units-contains a hair follicle and sebaceous (oil) gland. This sebaceous gland is tasked with producing sebum, an oily substance designed to keep the skin hydrated and soft. An excess of sebum production can result in a plug at the top of the pore, and when a plug is formed, sebum will build up, catching and collecting dead skin cells and bacteria on its way. This can result in a comedo, which refers to single acne lesion, and this comedo can either be open or closed.

Blackheads are one of two types of comedones. A blackhead refers to an open comedone, in which the plug of a clogged pore is open to the air on the surface of the skin. Unlike pimples, blackheads are not painful because there is less inflammation involved with this type of comedo blockage.
Why are Blackheads Black?
Normally, hair grows from hair follicles in the pores, and the sebum-producing sebaceous glands lie underneath. When these pores are plugged, the dead skin cells in the open pore react with oxygen in the air and turn black, forming a blackhead.

Just like weeds begin deep in the ground, blackheads—technically known as open comedones—begin deep in the lining of our pores. They’re essentially a type of clogged pore; what happens is this—
             The oil gland produces excess oil
             The oil mixes with dead skin cells and debris (like tiny hairs) in the pore lining
             The oil and debris mix moves through the pore to skin’s surface, the opening of the pore
             Once the oil mix is exposed to the air, it oxidizes, turning black
Diet for blackheads:-
1)      Drink Water: - Water is always helpful in keeping your skin clean, soft, clear and glowing. It is also helpful to cure blackheads.                                                                                                                          
Drink about 10 -12 glass of water to have clear skin.
2)      High fiber foods: - The fiber in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds supports the cleansing of the colon and growth of good bacteria in gut, which can help in removing the black heads.

3)     Vitamin A: - Consume those things which contain vitamin A such as Carrots, Sweet Potato, Green Leafy Veggies, and Pumpkin. Because they promote the healthy skin.

4)     Consume high zinc foods: - Sprouted pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and chia seeds are rich in zinc. Zinc helps to improve our immunity and heal gut issues, so it promotes healthy skin also.

5)     The antioxidant helps to protect your skin while healing it. All fruits and vegetables contain some amount of vitamin C, states the NIH. Fruits in the berry family are excellent Sources you can choose from.  These include red and black raspberries strawberries, blueberries and cranberries other vitamin C-rich fruits include cherries apples, mango, papayas pineapple, pears, melons and citrus fruits; Citrus fruits include grapefruit, lemons, limes, tangerines and oranges. Juices made from these fruits can also contain large amounts of the
skin-healthy nutrient Vegetable Sources of the nutrient include tomatoes, varieties of potatoes Such as sweet and white, cabbage broccoli cauliflower and leafy greens, Dark, leafy greens include spinach, turnip greens mustard greens and collards, according to
the American Heart Association.

1. Sugar and carbohydrate-rich food consuming excess amounts of Sugar and grain products can feed yeast and candida in the body increasing all forms of acne including blackheads
2. Gluten and wheat - For some people, these foods cause inflammation of the gut which then negatively affects the skin. Try keeping a food Journal to see if gluten/ wheat is a trigger for your blackheads.
3. Chocolate - Chocolate is high in compounds that can trigger acne for some. For instance, in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of males with a history of acne researchers found that “the consumption of chocolate correlates to an increase in the exacerbation of acne"
Eliminate chocolate completely if it might be a trigger. If you do consume it, then make
Sure it's pure dark chocolate, which has less Sugar and more beneficial nutrients
4. Fried and fast foods-These foods contain a number of ingredients that cause inflammation, including hydrogenated oils, sodium, chemicals flavorings and sugar.
5 Hydrogenated oils-Hydrogenated oil causes oily skin and is one of the main causes of acne, including blackheads. Hydrogenated oils can be found in foods like pizza and in
Packaged foods that contain soybean oil corn oil, canola oil and vegetable oil
6. Conventional dairy-Conventional dairy can cause inflammation of both the gut and the skin, which leads to scarier, conventional dairy has been linked to prostate and breast cancer as well.


This is an easy mask that can be prepared at your home quickly. Egg White can tighten the pores of your face temporarily, which will not only remove your current blackheads, but also reduce the chances of future blackheads.

We know that honey and milk have some beneficial properties for skin. Milk has lactic acid that can keep your skin soft, and honey has useful antibacterial ingredients. Both of them are good to remedy blackheads fast.

The combination of cinnamon and honey is a wonderful property to get rid of blackheads. Honey has antibacterial properties, while the cinnamon is good to improve your skin's blood circulation. A mix of the both properties not only will remove blackheads, but also take away acne and make your skin smooth and healthy.


Blackheads are caused by clogged, open and pores that react to oxygen. So, the best method to get rid of blackheads fast is shrinking your skin's pores. Lemon juice is an essential astringent that will do this job properly.

Baking soda is a good ingredient to remove blackheads. Its small granules work naturally to remove anything clogging your skin pores.
Blend turmeric powder with two drops of mustard oil and few drops of lemon Juice.
 Make a paste and apply It all over and rub it with round movement for 15 minutes and wash off with chill water. It works as scrubs.

Oatmeal provides gentle exfoliation without leaving the skin dry or irritated. It helps maintain the skin's natural moisture away dead skin cells on the skin’s surface, They also stimulate new skin cell growth.

A simple oatmeal scrub can be whipped up using two tablespoons of oatmeal. For scrubs, it helps to grind up your oatmeal using a coffee grinder, blender or mortar and pestle.
The apple cider vinegar can help breakdown the stuff causing the blackhead, while the mint creates a cooling "tightening" sensation on your skin. If the area around the blackhead is swollen or irritated the menthol can help tame the inflammation. Inflammation can make it harder for whatever is clogging your pores to come loose in the first place.


It is also another natural remedy to get rid of blackheads. It will give you long term result.


  1. Never Pick your Blackhead: - Using your fingers to try to remove blackheads actually adds more dirt and bacteria to your pores, making your blackhead-filed skin worse, As difficult as it may be, avoid touching your skin and removing your blackheads with force at all times. It may lead to bumps on your skin or even lead to scars.

  1. Avoid ultra-abrasive Exfoliants: -  If you have sensitive skin using harsh exfoliants can just irritate it and make your blackheads worse If you are ever in pain from an exfoliant, stop using it and go with a more gentle cleanser. Try using oatmeal as the most gentle  exfoliant if you are having issues with harsher scrubs,
  2. Wash your Face Twice: - Make sure yours is clean and clear by washing it once în the morning and once at night. Always be sure to remove all makeup before washing your skin (if you're wearing any) Follow up your face wash routine with a gentle facial moisturizer to keep your skin from over-producing oils which cause blackheads.

  1. Wash your Pillowcases: - Your pillowcases catch dead skin cells and excess oil from your face when you sleep on them at night. Wash them at least once a week to remove the buildup of dirt from the fabric to help keep your face clear of blackheads.

  1. Don't Touch your Face : -  Even if you aren't picking at your blackheads touching your face transfers bacteria from your hands to your face. Your hands are the dirtiest part of your body and are often the cause of many cases of blackheads Avoid resting your face on your hands or needlessly touching your skin
  2. Exercise: -  Daily exercise is not only beneficial to keep you slim but also to strengthen your entire body, Exercising regularly ensures proper functioning of lungs, heart and our digestive system A healthy body produces a healthy skin. To fight skin related issues like blackheads Psoriasis and eczema physical fitness essential. When you carry out physical exercises, you tend to Sweat. Sweating due to physical workout unclogs the clogged pores. All the toxins come out of your body as you sweat and you can See how it helps reducing pimples within a brief period of time.
  3.  Many stores now offer your own blackhead removing instruments to give yourself an at-home facial. However, these tools often get full of bacteria and can Scar your skin, Leave using steel instruments to the professionals and stick to using cleansers and exfolliants.
  4.  Beware of steaming your face. Heat and hot water can dehydrate your skin cause broken capillaries and irritate your skin.
  5.   Whether store bought or homemade pore strips are quick, thorough and a very visible way to see   blackheads go bye-bye. For some, the results really can be quite incredible and satisfying but don't get addicted because they're not meant for daily use

  1.  Moisturize: - Contrary to popular belief, blackhead-prone or oily skin still needs to be moisturized daily, Using topical products that focus on drying out the skin only makes the skin produce more oil, which just increases blackheads.

If you will follow all the given tips in the blog you will be able to see a lot of difference

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