Recents in Beach

BEARD benefits and tips to grow

With great Beard comes great responsibility!
When something becomes popular, it also becomes a target for criticism from people who either do not understand the trend or simply do not like it. Beards have gained huge popularity with men all over the world. They are utilized as a way to make a personal statement and help shape the individual’s style. However, not everyone is convinced that this is a good thing. There is a large contingency of people who think that beards are just plain cool, but there are many detractors who would rather see beards just go away.

Luckily for men who love their beards, there are more reasons than just style for maintaining a beard. The detractors probably do not realize that there are health benefits to having a beard, which means that it is time to educate them on why men with beards tend to be healthier than those who cut their facial hair.

1. It Blocks UV Rays
Extensive scientific research has shown that thick beards are capable of blocking out 95 percent of the UV rays from the sun. Not only beards prevent your skin from getting burnt but they also help to protect your skin from getting cancer.
2. Shaving Gives You Acne
If you have a beard, then the chances are very strong that you have smooth skin under that facial hair. Shaving your face helps to spread the bacteria that causes acne. This means that allowing your beard to grow and taking proper care of your beard encourages healthy skin.
3. Perception Is Everything
In one study, eight men purposefully have their beards shaved off and then grew them back. There were pictures taken at each stage of new beard growth to give a catalogue of the progress.
When the men had fully regrown their beards, the researchers brought together 64 men and 64 women to analyse the progress pictures and get their opinions. The research showed that as the men’s beards grew in fuller, the opinion that the 128 people in the group had of each man was perceived to be more positive. Each man was rated as appearing to be more mature, attractive, and healthy as their beards became fuller.

4. Build The Confidence
Men who have more confidence in themselves tend to be more successful in all aspects of their lives. A beard gives a man a sense of power and confidence that is readily evident to everyone around him. Therefore, making the decision to grow a beard is a way for a man to set a higher standard for his life and become more successful.

5. A Natural Filter
Men who grow a moustache enjoy the benefits of having microscopic allergens kept out of their noses and, as a result, the reduction of the effects of conditions such as hay fever and other allergies. With a beard, that filtering protection is taken to a whole new level. In fact, a beard will help keep those same allergens and airborne bacteria out of your mouth, which will lead to overall better health. When you combine a beard with a moustache, you get twofold protection that a clear-faced male cannot get. Of course, you do need to take steps to clean and maintain your facial hair filter, and beard oil is one of the most popular grooming methods for men who grow beards.
6. Fountain Of Youth
A beard can actually function as a fountain of youth because of all of the protection it offers. Since facial hair keeps your skin clear of cancerous blemishes and having a beard means you reduce the amount of acne and discoloration on your skin, your skin will stay healthy for longer. The ability of a beard and moustache to keep allergens out of your system will also improve your overall health. In this way, beards work to keep you not only looking younger but feeling younger as well.

7. Fewer Wrinkles
Another side-effect of having less exposure to the sun is that you get less wrinkles. While the option to protect the face from wrinkles by using a beard is not open to everyone, those who do have the opportunity to take advantage of this beauty benefit should get on board and start growing their beards right now.

8. Helps Lessen The Possibility Of Gum Disease
When your beard and moustache help to keep airborne bacteria out of your mouth, they are also working together to reduce your chances of getting gum disease. It should be noted that you still need to brush your teeth to do the lion’s share of protection against gum disease, but beards offer that little bit of extra protection that other people simply do not have.

9. Keeps Your Skin Moist
Shaving opens up the pores in your skin and can also cause cuts on your face that will dry out your skin over time. In the summer and winter, exposed pores create a situation where your skin loses it moisture and can start to flake. When you have a beard, you avoid all of these issues and keep your skin nice and healthy.

Before you start to grow a beard keep in mind it will take between four to eight weeks for your beard to start forming its shape. All up on average on a man's face there are about 30,000 beard hairs with the chin and upper lip having the most of them. A clean slate is the way to go so exfoliates your face, get a razor have a shave, clean up then moisturize your skin.

Depending on your genetics which will form the type of style you can grow, how thick your beard can grow and the growth of your beard is not the same in all men as some cannot grow a full beard so may consider where it does grow go according to that area such as growing a goatee for example.

If you are above the age of 30 and have no sign of any facial hair try and contact your dermatologist but that might not be a consideration for you due to the cost of it hair transplant procedures but for those who don't fall in that category growing a beard can be achieved.

It is well-established fact that shaving or trimming your beard does not make your hairs grow thicker or faster. The net effect that it has on your facial hair growth rate is zero, so it is time to move on from this flimsy home remedy. Instead, simply lay low and don’t touch your beard.

In the first month, you will have the urge to shave or trim it due to the way it will be growing, all wild and unkempt. During the first few weeks, you will also feel an incurable itch due to your facial hairs. Avoid all these temptations and the result will be rewarding and well worth the trouble.

Growing a beard is something that requires complete commitment and immense patience.

Grow A Beard Faster Increase Your Testosterone Level
Increasing your testosterone levels is a way to stimulate your hair follicles that are inactive. The sex hormone in male, testosterone is in control of the features that are clearly associated with males such as facial hairs.

So to achieve this is exercising and what better way is there then to work out regularly. If you cannot find time to incorporate long gym hours, high-intensity interval training has been known to give great results in boosting your muscular strength and volume. In the process, you boost your testosterone.

Cardio is very important such as brisk walking, running, cycling and dancing for increasing testosterone. Doing squats is highly recommended and preferred over leg presses because it stimulates a greater testosterone response according to this study.

The men with the higher levels of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone or DHT typically have significantly more facial hair than men with lower levels.

Grow A Beard Faster Avoiding Stress

Avoiding stress at all costs is not easy. Studies have found that too much stress is linked to hair loss. This is because when you are under stress, your body secretes the hormone cortisol, which is the nemesis of testosterone. High cortisol levels in your body reduce the testosterone levels, thereby affecting the growth of your facial hair, too.
Stress can cause less sleep time which is one of the downsides to loss of sleeping because the growth of your hair weakens with the less sleep you have.
Try engaging in activities that you enjoy like listening to music, watching movies, indulging in sports or playing video games. Also, meditation is often cited as a good remedy to counter stress and it is a growing trend.

Grow A Beard Faster Get Enough Sleep

A lack of sleeping also has many effects on your body, one of those being it reduces testosterone levels, which in turn has consequences for facial hair growth.The importance of the right amount of rest can never be stressed enough. Lack of sleep is enough to create incoherence between the physiological and psychological functions of your body. When you are asleep, it gives time for bodily activities like repairing damaged skin cells to run their course.
Just like when exercising such as lifting weights to build muscle. While you sleep the muscle is built so having less sleep the amount of regenerate testosterone is lowered. Getting the right amount of sleep 7 to 9 hours is crucial not only to growing your beard but for better health.

 Grow A Beard Faster Foods For Your Beard

To help with the growth of your beard to make it healthier, shinier, smoother, foods play a big part. Include fruits, vegetables and protein in your diet.Incorporate more vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, eggs and nuts into your diet to further the growth of facial hair. Protein, along with important vitamins found in fruits and vegetables, stimulates hair growth.
Here is a list of the foods that contain which vitamins and proteins that are beneficial for hair growth.

Vitamin A:-Butter, Butternut, Squash Cantaloupe, Carrots, Cheese, Dried Apricots, Egg Yolks, Kale, Lettuce, Milk, Papaya, Pumpkin,  Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Red Peppers, Tuna

Vitamin B Almonds, Beef, Bran
Grow A Beard Faster with One Month Stage
You have reach the one month milestone, the itch has finally gone and your beard is starting to take shape so don’t just let your beard grow all wild. After the month stage it would be a good time to buy a beard trimmer if you haven't already got one. Now you can give it the slight trim that it deserves and follow these steps to washing your beard.

The water temperature should be lukewarm, with the beard shampoo of your choice rub a small amount in your hands and if more is needed add more. Now massage it into your beard with fingertips all the way moving in all directions of your beard. Rinse it out until all the shampoo is gone. It's recommended to wash your beard at least 2-3 times a week unless the environment you work in is dirty.

Next step is to blow dry your hair at low setting with a beard brush use it passing through your beard hair until fully dry. To finish the drying process goes over it with a clean towel.

Now for maintaining your beard apply a moisturizer be it beard oils or beard balms. Both are highly recommended and used at the same time by firstly putting a few drops of beard oil on the palm of your hands, then rub it through your beard with your fingers. Then to evenly distribute the beard oil use a beard brush or comb or even both.

With the beard balm take out a small amount, rub it between your hands then apply it at the sides of your beard at first then other areas including your moustache. Once that is done with your fingertips go over it again the area you originally put the beard balm. Next evenly distribute the beard balm with a beard brush or comb or even both. Also with the beard balm and beard oil apply it to areas of patches or visible bold spots and massage them in those areas of the beard because you will find your hair will most likely not grow completely even throughout.
If only using one of the two beard oils or beard balms it would be better to use the beard oil if it's a new beard because it helps with the itch and irritation. Also If your beard is fully grown then choose the beard balm.

Tips For Dry & Itchy Beard
Dry Your Beard to Moisturize It
While it sounds illogical, not drying your beard when getting out of the shower can actually dry it out even further. Most showers have what is called ‘hard water’, meaning it contains calcium and magnesium carbonates. It is not harmful to us, but if the water is not sufficiently dried off of the beard area, these minerals can actually draw the moisture out of the skin. Always towel dry your beard when getting out of the shower. If it is a large beard, break out the hair dryer to ensure it does not stay damp.

Shampoo and Condition 
Like the hair on your head, your beard hair needs to get cleaned as well. To avoid stripping the essential natural oils your hard needs to stay healthy, only shampoo once or twice a week. Conditioning can also help make your beard soft and more manageable. Only use shampoos and conditioners that are specifically made for beards. The pH balance and gentle skin care are needed to not cause dryness and more damage. Always rinse the beard properly to avoid residue.

Comb your Beard
Combing your beard helps to stimulate hair follicles and get the blood flowing through the area properly. Weak and damaged hairs can also come out during the combing process, a little of which is advantageous since these types of hair can cause irritation. Combing can also train the hairs to grown a certain way, which is incredibly helpful if your beard tends to look a bit wild.
Beard Oil
If you are complaining about beard itch and not using beard oil, you must be crazy. Beard oil is like a miracle product. When our faces are clean shaven, we get a lot of moisture on our face through soap, lotions, shaving creams, etc. But once a beard is on our face, those moisturizing agents don’t get to the skin under the beard as easily. This causes advanced dryness and leads to more itching. By moisturizing your skin, it prevents this dryness. But this moisturizing also helps reduce the itch that is caused when the hair follicles are breaking through the skin.
You can use it every day, and sometimes twice a day when it is cold in the winter. After you dry off your beard when you get out of the shower, comb your beard and then rub a few drops of the beard oil into your beard area. Massage it in for about 30 seconds, then brush your beard a bit more to further spread the oil, and you are good to go.

 Clean Your Pillows
It is a little nasty to think about, but our pillows actually collect a ton of dead skin cells, dirt, dust, bacteria… if you aren’t washing your pillows at least once a week, these gross things are ending up in your beard. A build-up of these things can clog pores cause rashes, make your beard smelly and just lead to more all-around itching. Since we are taking such good care of our beard, we should also take extra care of the object that it rests next to for a third of the day.

Additional Tips And Info
A list of what is required on your journey to grow a beard
  1. Beard Comb
  2. Beard Trimmer
  3. Beard Shampoo
  4. Bristle Beard Brush
  5. Beard Oil (contains eucalyptus)
  6. Beard Balm (contains eucalyptus)


  1. Be patient.
  2. Wash it regularly.
  3. Exfoliate your skin once a week.
  4. Style your beard according to your face shape.
  5. Invest in a quality trimmer.
  6. Regular use beard oil and beard balm.
  7. Choose beard oil and beard balm that contain eucalyptus.
  8. Facial massage your beard.
  9. Take care of your moustache also.


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  1. Good to read this and got some good points how to grow beard. I will surely use these tips and hope it will work. best beard oil
